Thursday, May 12, 2011


I've been MIA the past month (oh my I didn't realize it was THAT long!) due to wrapping up school and making time to take a cardio kickboxing class! (such a fun way to work out!) Anyways, I've also been neglecting my blog, I'm not gonna lie, because I've discovered something called Pinterest! It's absolutely amazing and I waste hours and hours just browsing. It's a new social networking site where you can post pictures, or pin them rather, onto boards you make. You can browse other people's pictures and repin them to your boards! It's the best thing that could have happened to me in terms of keeping all of the creative ideas I discover organized! I love it! The first week after I found this site was absolute torture because you have to be invited to join. You can either request one from the site or have someone who has already joined invite you. I went with the first option and it takes a while. So if anyone is interested let me know and I'll send you an invitation because this is just the most amazing thing ever, you just have to check it out!!! Oh and life just got even better because they just released the new iPhone App this week too!!!

So anways, I'm at the library right now procrastinating on my final papers and studying because I have senioritis and will be graduating a week from tomorrow! I also have a pretty busy baking schedule lined up until mid-June, I'm helping out with a couple of parties and planning my own graduation party. So I apologize if I'm gone for another month, but I'll try hard not to be!! But if you want to keep up with the creativity that I find you can always join Pinterest and find me on there to see what I've been pinning!! (p.s. you don't have to be invited just to look at stuff! you just have to be invited to do your own pinning!)

I will leave you with some pictures of what I worked on yesterday at work! It's a Fresno State Graduation Party Theme. It's so fun and I'm really happy with how it turned out!

Oh and here is my graduation cap that I decorated!!